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Sonyliv is one of the most popular streaming services in India with thousands of hours of entertainment, movies, web series, Live TV channels, and Live Sports. SonyLiv Premium is available in different subscription plans. The streaming platform has introduced two new affordable subscription plans. We will discuss both plans later in this post. They also have many offers to make the subscription affordable for users.

Here we bring the best offers on the SonyLiv Premium subscription to help you save on your entertainment needs. After a recent facelift, the streaming service has reinvented itself with a new design and exciting content including original web series, and movies. Recently, the streaming platform has come up with sequels to popular web shows such as College Romance and Girls Hostel.

Buy SonyLIV is a video-on-Demand service that has a presence across 167 countries and a reach of 700 million viewers in India. The network owns 31 channels including Sony Entertainment Television (SET), one of India’s most popular Hindi entertainment channels.


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  • Don’t share ID and password, If you share then you will face the error problem. And we will band you, because after every login we get notified by email.

Order Sonyliv Premium Subscriptions at Vertex Bazaar

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