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Disney+ is an American subscription video-on-demand over-the-top streaming service owned and operated by the Media and Entertainment Distribution division of The Walt Disney Company. Disney Plus costs $6.99 per month or $69.99 per year in the US. For that price, you get an ad-free access to all of the service’s streaming titles spanning many different genres and interests.

What will Disney Plus include?

It includes content from Walt Disney Studios, Twentieth Century Fox, Marvel Studios, Pixar, Lucasfilm, National Geographic, and more. It offers thousands of TV episodes and hundreds of movies. In year one, you’ll be able to rediscover more than 7,500 episodes and 500 films from our library on #DisneyPlus.

How do I check my Disney Plus subscription?

To check your account status, please go to In the Overview section, you’ll find the message “Your Membership is Active”. Your log-in details will allow you to sign in for as long as you subscribe, and until the last day of your billing period after you cancel.

How many devices can use Disney plus? 

How many devices can I stream Disney Plus on at once? Disney Plus allows four concurrent streams across devices. This is more than what Hulu (one stream at a time) and ESPN Plus (three streams) offer, so if you’re signing up for the triple bundle, just be mindful of that.

Why buy from us?

Vertex Bazaar offers various denominations in our store depending on your gaming needs. We also do provide you with multiple payment options. We provide fast customer service and fast & reliable delivery.

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